To-N-orrows News Today – Fuzionique Process Art on Print


This Fuzionique Process Art piece shows a Victorian-era design with industrial machinery style newspaper titled “To-N-orrow’s News Today!”, with an obvious misprint, adorned with intricate mechanical gears and clockwork elements. It features various articles, images, and, in the background, a large airship flying over a cityscape.

SKU: 67B48E238B58F Category:


The Fuzionique Process Art piece depicts a Victorian-era design with industrial machinery style newspaper titled “To-N-orrow’s News Today!”, with an obvious misprint! The newspaper is elaborately adorned with mechanical gears, cogs, and clockwork elements, giving it a unique and intricate appearance. The headline is prominently displayed at the top with ornate decorative elements surrounding it.

In the center, a large clock with Roman numerals is integrated into the design, with various interconnected gears adding to the aesthetic. To the right, an image of a large airship flying over a cityscape is featured. The cityscape includes tall buildings and industrial structures, capturing the essence of a Victorian-era design with futuristic industrial machinery, world.

The text accompanying the image is written in a stylized, old-fashioned font, adding to the feel. Smaller articles and images are scattered throughout the newspaper, including portraits of individuals and additional mechanical components. The overall composition combines elements of Olde World design with futuristic mechanical details, creating a visually striking and imaginative representation.

Additional information

Weight 1.13 kg



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